Tuesday, September 8, 2009

President Obama Speaks About Education

Today we had the privilage of listening to President Obama speak to us about our education. He talked about the importance of education and the role we can all play in our own education. I have to admit how impressed I was with the students' discussion following the speech. Many talked about how the President talked about "never giving up" and related it to trying our best at school. We discussed what we could do as Kindergarteners. Some of the answers the students gave were:
1. Get lots of sleep
2. Be kind to everyone
3. Listen to the teacher
4. Do homework every night
5. Read every day

I have always been grateful for the importance my family placed on education. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to hopefully help my students develop a love for learning and education. Thank you for all your support in your child's education.

You can watch President Obama's speech below...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your students' thoughts about the speech today. It looks like they got the right idea! :)
